Supported web servers

This extension can be used to create Flask routes that handle WebSocket requests when used with Werkzeug, Gunicorn, Eventlet or Gevent. The following sections describe deployment details specific to each of these web servers.

Werkzeug (Flask development web server)

Werkzeug supports WebSocket routing in version 2, which means that this extension can only be used with versions of Flask starting at 2.0.

To run your application use the normal method that you always use. Both the flask run and methods of starting the Flask application should work.


To use this package with Gunicorn you need to keep in mind that each active WebSocket client will use up a worker. For that reason, the most practical way to run a WebSocket server is to use the --threads option to allocate the number of clients that you need:

gunicorn -b :5000 --threads 100 module:app

It is also okay to use multiple workers, each with a number of allocated threads:

gunicorn -b :5000 --workers 4 --threads 100 module:app


To serve your application with the eventlet WSGI server you can use the following script:

import eventlet

from eventlet import wsgi
from module import app

wsgi.server(eventlet.listen(('', 5000)), app)

It is also possible to use Gunicorn’s eventlet worker:

gunicorn -b :5000 --worker-class eventlet module:app

Gunicorn’s eventlet worker handles a maximum of 1000 concurrent requests in a single worker process by default. The maximum number of concurrent requests can be changed with the --worker-connections option. The number of workers can be changed with the --workers option.


To serve your application with the gevent WSGI server you can use the following script:

from gevent import monkey

from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer
from module import app

WSGIServer(('', 5000), app).serve_forever()

It is also possible to use Gunicorn’s gevent worker:

gunicorn -b :5000 --worker-class gevent module:app

Gunicorn’s gevent worker handles a maximum of 1000 concurrent requests in a single worker process by default. The maximum number of concurrent requests can be changed with the --worker-connections option. The number of workers can be changed with the --workers option.

Unlike other WebSocket packages for Gevent, this extension does not require the gevent-websocket package to be installed.