Installation ------------ :: pip install flask-sock Configuration ------------- The only configuration option is ``SOCK_SERVER_OPTIONS``. If this option is present in the application instance's ``config`` object, it must be a dictionary with configuration options for the WebSocket server. Notable options include: - ``ping_interval``: Send ping packets to clients at the requested interval in seconds. Set to ``None`` (the default) to disable ping/pong logic. Enable to prevent disconnections when the line is idle for a certain amount of time, or to detect unresponsive clients and disconnect them. A recommended interval is 25 seconds. - ``max_message_size``: The maximum size allowed for a message, in bytes, or ``None`` for no limit. The default is ``None``. Example:: app.config['SOCK_SERVER_OPTIONS'] = {'ping_interval': 25} The complete list of available options is documented in the constructor of the `simple_websocket.Server `_ class. Example ------- :: from flask import Flask from flask_sock import Sock app = Flask(__name__) sock = Sock(app) @sock.route('/echo') def echo(ws): while True: data = ws.receive() ws.send(data)